It was my pleasure to present in the CRESTEM Seminar Series at King’s College, London. I enjoyed having the opportunity to think back on some of the results of the multi-year project on maker pedagogy that I led. It seems like an appropriate time to consider future directions for maker pedagogy given the recent enthusiasm for, and critiques of, the power and possibilities of educational technology in the years to come. I have noticed quite a few popular articles, for example, focusing on the limitations of technology to support students’ learning. I think that, unfortunately, ideas from the “maker movement” are often equated with having the latest and greatest equipment. In this presentation I reflected on the importance of the dialogue that can develop around a shared enterprise of making something.
The abstract for my presentation follows:
In this presentation I will share some of the results of a three-year inquiry into the nature and potential of what I define as “maker pedagogy.” I will begin with my initial assumptions about how making might inform approaches to learning—drawn from the history of art and the history of technology—before sharing some surprising findings from my work with primary trainee teachers who were interested in exploring making in their developing practices. I will then focus on the knowledge and practices developed in tandem with my research collaborator around researching maker pedagogy. Finally, I will share some of the reasons that I felt it necessary to step away from thinking about making and education for a few years, and what my hopes are for re-engaging with this work.
Many thanks to those who attended for their thoughtful engagement and questions.